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Breathwork for PMDD

Join us for an illuminating breathwork workshop where we delve into the transformative power of breath to navigate the challenges of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD).

This workshop offers a unique blend of practical techniques and theoretical insights. We'll explore how breathwork serves as a potent tool to navigate the emotional and physiological fluctuations of PMDD. Delving into the intricate connection between breath and interoception, we'll examine how our breath mirrors and influences our internal states.

You'll learn and practice four distinct breathwork exercises in this workshop. Two techniques will focus on cleansing the mind and sharpening focus, while the remaining two will center on calming the mind and restoring balance to the nervous system. We'll also provide guidance on contraindications for specific exercises and progressions in your practice, ensuring a safe and enriching experience.

Whether you're seeking relief from PMDD symptoms or simply intrigued by the profound effects of breathwork, this workshop offers a nurturing space to deepen your understanding and harness the healing power of your breath. Join us as we embark on a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and holistic wellness.


Amy Sergeant

Amy is a fellow PMDDer, Health & Wellness Specialist, and adventurer who embarked on a holistic healing journey while traveling the world and now pulls together her experience and expertise to coach other women like herself to find new levels of freedom.

*This webinar is by donation to help support the vital services of IAPMD. Give what you can! Free tickets are also absolutely available if finances are tight. Please email us at for a free ticket.

Can’t attend live? We’ll email you a recording of the webinar as soon as we can, so you can watch or rewatch it whenever you’d like.