Provider Directory


The IAPMD Provider Directory serves as a tool for patients to find a doctor to help them with treatment/support on their journey. We recognize that finding a doctor to treat Premenstrual Disorders can be challenging. Although PMDD is now formally recognized as an official diagnosis (only becoming an international diagnosis in 2019), many healthcare providers have not yet received training. PME (Premenstrual Exacerbation) currently remains a research diagnosis only. However, there are providers out there who can help you - so don’t give up! This directory exists to help speed up the process for you to get the help you deserve.

This directory is not comprehensive and will continue to grow in the coming months/years.

Help us grow this resource! Have you found someone knowledgeable in diagnosing and treating PMDD/PME? It is quick and easy, and you will help others who are looking for help.

If you are a patient who would like to recommend a provider, please add their details here:

If you are a provider who sees/treats those with PMDD and/or PME, submit your details here for potential inclusion in the directory:


Please note that submission does not guarantee inclusion in the directory. For common questions about the directory - click here.

The IAPMD Provider Directory is provided as a reference tool and intended to be used to facilitate locating providers who offer treatment of premenstrual disorders. IAPMD does not warrant, guarantee, or otherwise deem the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, or suitability of the data contained in the Directory nor in any way endorse the individuals described in the Directory. In no event shall IAPMD be held liable for your decisions or actions taken with regard to information contained in the Directory. Please refer to IAPMD's website Medical Disclaimer for further information.


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  • In 2017, IAPMD began collecting recommendations from patients about doctors who had some awareness and understanding of PMDD. As time passed, this way of collecting recommendations has been flawed and led to frustration and concerns raised by patients and providers - which we take very seriously. It was decided to pause, review, and reset the process to see how it could be made safer and sustainable and grow it to be more useful for everyone.

    All previous listings (where possible) were contacted to see if they would like to be re-added.

  • No! Do bear in mind that this is a new and growing resource that will take time to fill up - but just because no one is listed near you yet, it does not mean that there is no one who can help you. Check out our Finding A Provider page for help on your journey to finding someone to support you.

  • Yes! Patient recommendations are encouraged. You can submit their details here. Please note that the provider will then be contacted for additional information and they must complete this to be reviewed for inclusion.

  • Yes! If you are a provider who sees/treats those with PMDD and/or PME, then please submit your details here for potential inclusion in the directory. Please make sure you have saved in your email safe list for communications.

  • If you ever find yourself with any concerns about a service provider, we want to assure you that your feedback is important to us. To address these concerns effectively, we kindly suggest that you consider following the established official procedures within your community. These procedures might include utilizing the clinic's complaints process, reaching out to the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS - or equivalent), speaking directly with the clinic manager, or contacting your local health board, among other options.

    We genuinely value your input, and we believe it plays a crucial role in maintaining the quality of the providers listed with us. Therefore, should you encounter any outcomes or resolutions resulting from your concerns that you believe warrant the removal of a provider from our listings, please do not hesitate to inform us. Your insights help us ensure that our provider directory continues to serve as a reliable resource for all.

  • No. Although there is a screening process that takes place, for providers to be included on the directory - inclusion is not a recommendation by IAPMD. The IAPMD Provider Director is provided as a reference tool and intended to be used to facilitate locating providers who offer treatment of premenstrual disorders. IAPMD does not warrant, guarantee, or otherwise deem the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, or suitability of the data contained in the Directory nor in any way endorse the individuals described in the Directory. In no event shall IAPMD be held liable for your decisions or actions taken with regard to information contained in the Directory. Please refer to IAPMD's website Medical Disclaimer for further information.